Career Management

Helping you take control of your career

Whether you fancy a change in career, or simply want to progress in your current one, these career management courses will help you take control. Upskilling has never been so easy. You’ll be able to add to your skills bank, enabling you to further your career along the path you choose.


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A growing collection

Explore 5+ key courses, covering the power of a strong network to setting goals & staying motivated. Dive into useful content on career management, designed to help you and those under you become the best versions of themselves that they can be.

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CPD certified learning

This collection of courses is fully certified by the CPD Certification Service – so you can be assured that the content is both accurate and useful.

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Learn in minutes, not hours!

Quick and engaging courses that can be taken in just 5-15 minutes, enabling rapid upskilling and improving learner retention. Plus, learn from anywhere, on any device!

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Keep learners engaged

The courses use captivating storytelling, animation, and interactivity, so learners are more likely to retain information and convert that into practical change.

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A glimpse at some of the courses

It’s naïve to think all staff will stay in position – people want to grow and learn. Whether you want to successfully change career, be your own boss, set goals and motivate yourself or simply learn about the power of a strong network, this career management collection has it all.

University of Kent Academies Trust (UKAT)
Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust
Wellington School
Maritime Academy Trust
Shireland Academy Trust
The Challenge Academy Trust
Lighthouse Schools Partnership
Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT)
Innovate Multi Academy Trust
Hanham Primary Federation
Futura Learning Partnership
Gatehouse Green Learning Trust
Excalibur Academies Trust
Diocese of Norwich Education Services Company

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