Human Resources

Managing Absence

Occasionally, events beyond our control force us to spend chunks of our working lives at home, or away from the workplace. Absenteeism is an unavoidable reality. Thankfully, a solid absence management process can support the health and wellbeing of all school staff. This course will show you the significance of managing absence and provide valuable guidance on how you can handle it in your school.

Learning outcomes:
  • Identify potential absence concerns in schools
  • Maintain a fair and professional attitude when managing absence
  • Follow effective methods when dealing with all forms of absenteeism
iAM 00153 - Managing Absence - LMS Thumbnails
What you will learn
Who is this course for
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While most cases of absence are genuine, a robust procedure can help to avoid unauthorised absence, sometimes known as AWOL, or sick pay abuse, and this course, a key part of people management training, is designed to you how to handle it.
Staff absence management can cause real headaches in a school, especially trying to arrange classroom cover at short notice. But if you’re an headteacher, head of year or anyone else who deals with absences, =it’s key to handle absence correctly.
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Peace of mind with testing

This course also has an assessment at the end which allows learners to test their understanding and helps businesses demonstrate a level of competence in the topic.

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Everyone has the right to learn and learner need can vary depending on environment or disabilities. To support this diversity, we provide transcripts so people have text options for media, alongside subtitles for all videos.

University of Kent Academies Trust (UKAT)
Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust
Wellington School
Maritime Academy Trust
Shireland Academy Trust
The Challenge Academy Trust
Lighthouse Schools Partnership
Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT)
Innovate Multi Academy Trust
Hanham Primary Federation
Futura Learning Partnership
Gatehouse Green Learning Trust
Excalibur Academies Trust
Diocese of Norwich Education Services Company
iAM School Business Mangager With Clock and iPad LMS

Learning Management System

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