

Prevent is all about safeguarding people against the harm caused by radicalisation and extremism. It may seem overwhelming, but your duty of care is the same as in any other safeguarding situation. Knowing how and when to intervene is crucial and will help reduce the risk of people taking part in terrorism-related criminal activity. This course will help you understand what Prevent is, and how best to safeguard people against radicalisation and extremism.

Learning outcomes:
  • Explain Prevent and its role in helping people avoid being drawn into terrorism
  • Identify children and young adults who are at risk from radicalisation
  • Demonstrate safeguarding procedures to protect vulnerable individuals
What you will learn
Who is this course for
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While anyone is at risk from radicalisation, children, teenagers and young adults are particularly vulnerable. This safeguarding prevention in schools course will help explain Prevent and its role in helping people being drawn into terrorism. It’ll also help you identify who is most at risk from radicalisation and demonstrate safeguarding techniques to protect the vulnerable.
This online training course, a key part of our safeguarding awareness in schools collection, is suitable for parents, carers, teachers and anyone who works or volunteers with children and young people. It’ll help you to spot the signs and take steps to prevent radicalisation from taking hold.
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Why choose iAM Compliant

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Peace of mind with testing

This course also has an assessment at the end which allows learners to test their understanding and helps businesses demonstrate a level of competence in the topic.

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Everyone has the right to learn and learner need can vary depending on environment or disabilities. To support this diversity, we provide transcripts so people have text options for media, alongside subtitles for all videos.

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Certified training

Our Collections are IOSH approved and CPD certified which gives you piece of mind knowing you're getting good quality content.

University of Kent Academies Trust (UKAT)
Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust
Wellington School
Maritime Academy Trust
Shireland Academy Trust
The Challenge Academy Trust
Lighthouse Schools Partnership
Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT)
Innovate Multi Academy Trust
Hanham Primary Federation
Futura Learning Partnership
Gatehouse Green Learning Trust
Excalibur Academies Trust
Diocese of Norwich Education Services Company
iAM School Business Mangager With Clock and iPad LMS

Learning Management System

A completely free Learning Management System when you buy the iAM Compliant Tool.

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