Legionella in Schools - The Hidden Hazard

A Useful Webinar On Demand

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Anyone who runs a school has a public health duty to protect students, staff, and visitors from risk. One such risk is contracting Legionnaires' Disease from breathing in legionella bacteria.

Sure, the risk in schools is fairly low, but it's still a possibility, especially when it comes to school holidays when water systems are rarely used. You must put a process in place to inspect your water systems to manage risks and reduce the chance of exposure to legionella bacteria on your premises.    

This short yet informative webinar will explain everything you need to know about the dangerous legionella bacteria including:

  • What legionella is and why it's important to manage exposure 
  • How to perform a risk assessment for legionella bacteria
  • What tests and tasks you'll need to perform 

Watch the webinar on demand today!

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